Imbricate structures II,

oil on canvas,
60cm x 60cm,
Iain White, 2015,

Imbricate thrusts are those which form an array of steeply angled faults, diverging from an underlying fault (the floor thrust). Where these imbricate thrust faults recombine up-dip onto another major fault (the roof thrust), the entire structure is termed a duplex.

All thrusts climb up-section in their displacement direction but few do so smoothly. More commonly thrust profiles show step-like forms, which cut across bedding. Indeed, in detail thrusts can produce very complex structures. They are rarely planar faults so that rocks that have been moved on thrusts are generally folded.

Ref: 45

Imbricate structures II,

oil on canvas,
60cm x 60cm,
Iain White, 2015,

Imbricate thrusts are those which form an array of steeply angled faults, diverging from an underlying fault (the floor thrust). Where these imbricate thrust faults recombine up-dip onto another major fault (the roof thrust), the entire structure is termed a duplex.

All thrusts climb up-section in their displacement direction but few do so smoothly. More commonly thrust profiles show step-like forms, which cut across bedding. Indeed, in detail thrusts can produce very complex structures. They are rarely planar faults so that rocks that have been moved on thrusts are generally folded.

Ref: 45