69. An old (200+years) “mother tree”

oil on canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm,
Iain White, 2021,
£365 SOLD

An old (200+years) “mother tree,” the trunk dappled by the shadows of the tracery of branches. Trees such as this are so-called because they act as the source of seeds from which the forest regenerates after setbacks such as logging, fire, or heavy grazing. Furthermore, these trees nurture seedlings and saplings through the interconnection of their root systems mediated by symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi.

69. An old (200+years) “mother tree”

oil on canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm,
Iain White, 2021,
£365 SOLD

An old (200+years) “mother tree,” the trunk dappled by the shadows of the tracery of branches. Trees such as this are so-called because they act as the source of seeds from which the forest regenerates after setbacks such as logging, fire, or heavy grazing. Furthermore, these trees nurture seedlings and saplings through the interconnection of their root systems mediated by symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi.