14. Must get to work

oil on canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm, Iain White £385

Back to work … the Blitz Spirit

Coventry's Blitz experience was extreme. Other cities did not suffer the same degree of social collapse. The civilian population in Coventry displayed far more symptoms of anxiety-driven behaviour than shown by people in other bombed but larger British cities where the effects of the raids were less intense. Nonetheless, it took just a few days for the Blitz spirit to come to the fore. The Blitz spirit was not a myth. People recovered and got their nerve back and returned to a semblance of normality. For those who had lost loved ones, Coventry's close-knit community helped them get through this very worst of times.

14.	Must get to work

oil on canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm, Iain White £385

Back to work … the Blitz Spirit

Coventry's Blitz experience was extreme. Other cities did not suffer the same degree of social collapse. The civilian population in Coventry displayed far more symptoms of anxiety-driven behaviour than shown by people in other bombed but larger British cities where the effects of the raids were less intense. Nonetheless, it took just a few days for the Blitz spirit to come to the fore. The Blitz spirit was not a myth. People recovered and got their nerve back and returned to a semblance of normality. For those who had lost loved ones, Coventry's close-knit community helped them get through this very worst of times.