18. Malvern Road II, April 1941

oil on canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm, Iain White £ 385

The Easter Raids, April 1941

Following the Nov. 1940 raid enemy activity had been sporadic. However, German aircraft returned in force during Easter Week, 1941, and the city was subjected to two heavy raids. The first of these was on the night of April 8th/9th, the second on the night 10th/11th. These raids inflicted further massive damage on the historical and industrial fabric of the city, while residential areas of the city including Malvern Road also suffered. In Malvern Road several houses including number 58, my parents’ home were destroyed or severely damaged.

18. Malvern Road II, April 1941

oil on canvas, 40 cm x 40 cm, Iain White £ 385

The Easter Raids, April 1941

Following the Nov. 1940 raid enemy activity had been sporadic. However, German aircraft returned in force during Easter Week, 1941, and the city was subjected to two heavy raids. The first of these was on the night of April 8th/9th, the second on the night 10th/11th. These raids inflicted further massive damage on the historical and industrial fabric of the city, while residential areas of the city including Malvern Road also suffered. In Malvern Road several houses including number 58, my parents’ home were destroyed or severely damaged.