5. Fighting a losing battle

oil on canvas 40 cm x 40 cm, Iain White £295

Fire Fighting

On the night of 14/15th November 1940 the raid lasted 11 hours, involved c. 500 bombers, with the Luftwaffe dropping 500 tons of high explosive, 30,000 incendiaries, including exploding incendiaries, and 50 landmines. The resulting firestorm was virtually unstoppable. Almost two hundred fires burnt against the city skyline. The raid was so meticulous it destroyed the infrastructure, water, telephones, gas and electricity first, while the roads were overwhelmed with craters, inhibiting the work of the firemen.

5.	Fighting a losing battle

oil on canvas 40 cm x 40 cm, Iain White £295

Fire Fighting

On the night of 14/15th November 1940 the raid lasted 11 hours, involved c. 500 bombers, with the Luftwaffe dropping 500 tons of high explosive, 30,000 incendiaries, including exploding incendiaries, and 50 landmines. The resulting firestorm was virtually unstoppable. Almost two hundred fires burnt against the city skyline. The raid was so meticulous it destroyed the infrastructure, water, telephones, gas and electricity first, while the roads were overwhelmed with craters, inhibiting the work of the firemen.